For a second year, in the spirit of bringing together creative expression and love for nature, the KNPS Board sponsored a Wildflower Weekend 2025 Logo Design Contest. This was an open design contest to come up with a logo for Wildflower Weekend 2025 (April 11-13 at Carter Caves SRP).
Wildflower Weekend 2025 will be held at Carter Caves SRP in Carter County. The county is a hot spot of Viola diversity in Kentucky, with 13 species of Viola found in the county. One species of violet was selected to be the species around which the logo design would focus, the three-parted yellow violet (Viola tripartita). It is native to Eastern North America, being primarily found in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. The species is rare throughout its range, especially so in Kentucky where it has only been reported from Carter County.
We put out a call to artists and graphic designers who were members of the Kentucky Native Plant Society in early December. The submitted designs were then presented to the KNPS membership for voting during the month of January. The membership of KNPS responded, with 130 members casting a vote. The beautiful logo featured above came out on top as the winning entry. The design, featuring the three-parted yellow violet, two other species of violet found in Carter county and a background of Carter Caves, was submitted by Cheryll Frank of Scott Co., KY.
Wildflower Weekend 2025 Merchandise
All of these items are produced by the manufacturer at the time of the order. Neither KNPS nor the manufacturer maintains any inventory. Because of this returns or exchanges are not possible if you order a wrong size, color, or simply don’t like the product. Please carefully double check your order before placing it. We can make exchanges if the product arrives damaged in some way. If you have any questions or receive a damaged product, please contact us at
Wildflower Weekend 2025 Ceramic Mug 11oz$6.00
Wildflower Weekend 2025 Unisex Hooded Sweatshirt$30.00
Wildflower Weekend 2025 Kids Tee$15.00 – $24.95
Wildflower Weekend 2025 T-shirt$15.00
Cheryll Frank, Wildflower Weekend Logo Designer
Cheryll Frank has been an artist and amateur naturalist from an early age, and is currently enrolled in the 2025 KY Master Naturalist cohort. She has a BS in Sustainable Agriculture from the University of Kentucky and lives on 10 acres in Scott County with her husband Bruce (also an artist) and a four-legged population. She is a member of Wild Ones Lexington, Sierra Club Kentucky, National Wildlife Federation and the Central Kentucky Bonsai Society.
Her most recent DIY project is replacing a 250 square foot conventional front garden with native pollinator-friendly plants. An earlier project—the planting of a small Miyawaki style ‘forest’ of native trees and shrubs in a hedgerow—has boosted the local bird population. Phase two of ‘the forest’ will include the addition of ground covers and ephemerals.