When: April 13, 2018, 1PM to 8PM & April 14, 2018, 9AM to 9PM
Where: Natural Bridge State Resort Park, Slade, Powell Co., KY
Cost: $10 for adults, $3 for ages 12-17, free for ages 12 & under

Join us as we explore the Natural Bridge and the Red River Gorge in search of wildflowers with some of the best botanists in the state and listen to fascinating talks on native plants by regional experts. Most hikes are child friendly.
Door prizes/raffles will be offered during evening talks, including a lady-slipper wood carving by Bob Van Hoff. Come to the open members meeting on Saturday to learn more about the state of Kentucky plants, KNPS projects, and become a more active member! A tribute to Clara Weiland, a former KNPS officer and board member, will take place before the Lucy and Annett Braun Play on Saturday evening. Discounted KNPS memberships $10 for paid registrants
Register and sign up for hikes at a table next to the gift shop in the lobby of the Natural Bridge Lodge. Hikes start at the same location. Programs are in Woodland Activities Center.