Native Plant Suppliers & Service Providers
This listing of regional native plant suppliers and native plant service providers (landscape designers & installers, invasive plant management, etc.) is being provided as a service to Kentucky Native Plant Society members and the general public. Clicking on the name of a company will take you to a page with more detailed information about the company. Some of these suppliers may sell non-native species or cultivars. The detail page will provide that information. We encourage people to purchase plants native to Kentucky.
Listing on this page does not imply any endorsement by the Kentucky Native Plant Society.
This listing of native plant suppliers and service providers is just one of many activities of the KNPS in support of its mission to promote education about, appreciation for, and conservation of our native flora. If you would like to help KNPS with this mission, consider joining KNPS or making a donation. Thank you.
Junebug’s Natives +
I started out 15+ years ago just growing milkweed to give to friends and family to help save the monarchs. I have since branched out to grow all types of native plants including trees, shrubs, vines, flowers, grasses, etc. Then I heard Jim McCormac talk at the Native Plant Symposium at the Cincinnati Zoo in 2023 about the importance of moth caterpillars to baby birds. He quoted Doug Tallamy so often that I bought both his and Tallamy’s books. I was enlightened! Now my focus is on Keystone native plants because they are so important to birds and the ecosystems they occupy.
I collect a lot of my own seeds from my property and surrounding areas. I have bought seeds from native plant companies to grow. I also use cuttings from my own plants. I grow a lot of my plants in buckets and half barrels to save space. I might need to dig one out for you. Sometimes I go out on my property and dig up what you need. I do buy some plants from wholesalers to provide more variety than what I am able to grow myself.
I am moving away from using plastic pots for my plants I sell. I use biodegradable mesh bags now because: 1. They are cheaper 2. They do not add to our alarming and growing plastic problem 3. They are better for the plants because the roots grow through the mesh and do not get disturbed when planting them (rather than ripping them out of a pot). 4. You just plant it and go. No pots to throw away or find someone to take them. The bags will decompose as the plant grows. No fuss, no mess!
I mainly sell at local farmers markets, but I will meet up with people to deliver plants to them. I take cash, VenMo, PayPal, and credit cards.
Please Grow Wild with Junebug’s Natives +. The Earth will thank you.
Map It
(859) 380-2317
Retail Only
- No
- Plants
- Landscape design/installation
- Design consultations
4: swamp milkweed, butterfly milkweed, common milkweed, and honey vine milkweed.
Plus, I started some showy milkweed from seed this spring, so I'm waiting to see how that does.
Northern Kentucky, Cincinnati, Ohio area, southeast Indiana
Most of our products are from local genotypes.
Kenton, Campbell, Boone