Native Plant Suppliers & Service Providers

This listing of regional native plant suppliers and native plant service providers (landscape designers & installers, invasive plant management, etc.) is being provided as a service to Kentucky Native Plant Society members and the general public. Clicking on the name of a company will take you to a page with more detailed information about the company. Some of these suppliers may sell non-native species or cultivars. The detail page will provide that information. We encourage people to purchase plants native to Kentucky.

Listing on this page does not imply any endorsement by the Kentucky Native Plant Society.

This listing of native plant suppliers and service providers is just one of many activities of the KNPS in support of its mission to promote education about, appreciation for, and conservation of our native flora. If you would like to help KNPS with this mission, consider joining KNPS or making a donation. Thank you.


Growing and promoting Kentucky native plants for yards, gardens, and landscapes.

Salvisa, Kentucky 40372
Map It

Email Address:

Is the supplier open specific hours or by appointment only?

Open by appointment only

Retail, Wholesale, or Both:

Retail Only

Are sales online only?
  • Yes
Products and Services Offered:
  • Seeds
  • Plants
Milkweed (Asclepias) species sold (if applicable):

Currently only three species:
Asclepias incarnata (Swamp milkweed)
Asclepias syriaca (Common milkweed)
Asclepias verticillata (Whorled Milkweed)

Services are limited to these geographical areas:

Central and eastern Kentucky.

Are the plants sold sourced from regionally local genotypes?

Only some of our products are from local genotypes.

Where are regionally local genotypes sourced from?

Bluegrass, Appalachian plateau, Knobs, Pennyrile.

Does this supplier use neonicotinoid pesticides on the plants sold?


Does this supplier sell any non-native species?


Does this supplier sell any species on the Kentucky Exotic Pest Plant Council's list of Exotic Invasive Plants of Kentucky?


Other comments from the supplier:

Primarily herbaceous perennials, limited selection of woody plants.
Plants are grown using as many recycled pots and trays as possible to help mitigate plastic waste.
Will gladly accept empty pots to be cleaned and reused for other plants!