Native Plant Suppliers & Service Providers
This listing of regional native plant suppliers and native plant service providers (landscape designers & installers, invasive plant management, etc.) is being provided as a service to Kentucky Native Plant Society members and the general public. Clicking on the name of a company will take you to a page with more detailed information about the company. Some of these suppliers may sell non-native species or cultivars. The detail page will provide that information. We encourage people to purchase plants native to Kentucky.
Listing on this page does not imply any endorsement by the Kentucky Native Plant Society.
This listing of native plant suppliers and service providers is just one of many activities of the KNPS in support of its mission to promote education about, appreciation for, and conservation of our native flora. If you would like to help KNPS with this mission, consider joining KNPS or making a donation. Thank you.
Dropseed Native Plant Nursery, LLC
Dropseed Nursery provides local native plants and seed. Staff of the nursery can also assist with landscape planning
1205 S. Buckeye Lane
Goshen, Kentucky 40026
Map It
(502) 439-9033
Open at specific times
We are open on Fridays and Saturdays 9-4 during the spring and fall seasons. Specific dates are posted on our website
Both Retail and Wholesale
- No
- Seeds
- Plants
- Design consultations
We sell Butterflyweed (A. tuberosa), Common milkweed (A. syriaca), and Swamp milkweed (A. incarnata).
Most of our products are from local genotypes.
Primarily from the Interior Low Plateau