Everything is set for KNPS’s 35th Wildflower Weekend, on Friday, April 12th and Saturday, April 13, at Natural Bridge SRP! With more hikes, workshops and kid’s activities than we have ever had, many of the best botanists in Kentucky in attendance, and with beautiful weather forecast, Wildflower Weekend 2024 would be a great destination for everyone this weekend.
In addition to our usual “all things botanical” hikes, we have a hikes concentrating on birds, reptiles and amphibians, geology, fire ecology, pollinators and butterflies. There will also be a couple of workshops, “Non-Native Invasive Species Management” and an art workshop, “Reflecting on Nature through Artmaking”.
We have always tried to make Wildflower Weekend a family friendly event (kids 12 and under attend free). This year we are offering two kid centered activities, a “Junior Botanist Adventure for Kids!” on Saturday morning and then, on Saturday afternoon, the “Kids Activities Table“, a drop-in activity (no registration required), with fun botanical and nature activities designed for the young naturalist. See details in the schedule below.
Of course, we will have our Members & Friends Social on Friday evening at Picnic Shelters #3 and #4, with smores fixings and a community gathering of like-minded nature lovers and botanists. Saturday evening, we will gather in the Woodland Center for talks by a variety of experts and our raffle featuring prizes that include native plants, nature inspired art, and Wildflower Weekend 2024 merchandise.
Online registration has closed, but there is still space available in many of the hikes and activities. Just show up in the lobby of the Hemlock Lodge and Natural Bridge and you can quickly register and enjoy Wildflower Weekend. If you have any questions, just email us at WildflowerWeekend2024@knps.org .
Hope to see you at Natural Bridge!
Schedule of Events
This is the listing of hikes and activities that still have spaces available.
Friday, April 12th – Afternoon Hikes
12:15PM – Fire Ecology Hike, Heidi Braunreiter & Jason Nally
Meet in the lobby of the Hemlock Lodge. This is a difficult, 1.5 mile hike with a 420 foot ascent. Original Trail-Balanced Rock Trail-Sand Gap Trail. Original Trailhead.
Join fire practitioners from OKNP to discuss the impacts of fire on the landscape, while traveling along the ridgetop burned by a wildfire in April 2023 at Natural Bridge State Park and Nature Preserve. We will discuss how fire suppression, wildfire, and prescribed fire play a role in shaping Kentucky’s landscape today. Note- as this hike will be along a dry ridgetop, fewer wildflowers will be visible, but we will hike along natural bridge and get landscape vistas. This hike has ~420 foot ascent and is moderately difficult. There are several shelters and benches on the Original Trail for rest breaks.
Friday, April 12th – Members & Friends Social
7:30pm Members & Friends Social, Natural Bridge SRP, Picnic Shelter #3 & #4 (37.779750, -83.676750)
Join us around the fire pit to gather with fellow wildflower enthusiasts. Meet the KNPS board members & officers. Meet at Picnic Shelters #3 & #4 which are across the road (Rt. 11) from the Whittleton Campground. Utilities include restrooms, parking, picnic tables and a small playground. S’more fixings will be provided. Bring your own chair, drinks (no alcohol allowed), flashlights, and weather appropriate clothing/gear.
Saturday, April 13th – Morning Hikes
8:00AM – Biodiversity Hike, Dan & Judy Dourson
Meet in the lobby of the Hemlock Lodge. This is an easy to moderately difficult walk of 1-2 miles. The Wild’s Trail. 200 Punkin Hollow, Stanton, KY 40380. Site is ~20 min drive from NBSRP.
Join authors Dan & Judy Dourson on a walk through Punkin Hollow to look at all things nature. For a great plant guide of the area, check out their book “Wildflowers and Ferns of Red River Gorge and the Greater Red River Basin.”
8:00AM – Birding for Beginners Hike, Rod Botkins & Dan Patrick
Meet in the lobby of the Hemlock Lodge. This is an easy walk of 0.25 miles. Gladie Visitor Center. 3451 Skybridge Rd, Stanton, KY 40380. Site ~30 min drive from NBSRP. Binoculars suggested.
New to birding? Join OKNP Natural Areas Technician Rod Botkins and birder Dan Patrick on a gentle bird watching trip at the Gladie Visitor Center designed for those just getting into bird watching. Guests will listen and look for spring migratory birds of the Red River Gorge. Binoculars suggested. This hike has minimal walking and is considered a gentle activity.
8:00AM – Ecology Hike (Role of Wildflowers in our Ecosystems), Zach Lemmon & Stephen Pate
Meet in the lobby of the Hemlock Lodge. This is a moderately difficult hike of 2.0 miles with an ~250 foot ascent. Gray’s Arch Trail. Gray’s Arch Trailhead. 37.80809, -83.65758. Trailhead ~15 min drive from NBSRP.
Join U.S. Forest Service Forest Technicians Zach Lemmon and Stephen Pate on a hike through the ridgetops to the scenic Gray’s arch area. Learn about the role of wildflowers in the Red River Gorge Ecosystem, and keep your eyes (and noses!) peeled for the state rare Sweet Pinesap (Monotropsis odorata). The majority of the trail is relatively flat, but there is a short steep section of trail with some stairs that leads down to Gray’s Arch. This trail has ~250 foot ascent and is moderately difficult.
8:30AM – Moss and Fern Hike, Dr. Allen Risk
Meet in the lobby of the Hemlock Lodge. This is an easy hike of 1.5 miles with ~100 foot ascent. Whittleton Trail. Whittleton Campground Trailhead. 37.782712, -83.673068.Trailhead ~5 min drive from NBSRP. Handlens suggested.
Join Dr. Allen Risk of Morehead State University on a walk through the rich cove of Whittleton Branch to learn about the non-flowering, seedless plants of NBSRP. These organisms are best appreciated with magnification, so a handlens is suggested. This trail has ~100 foot ascent and is considered easy.
8:30AM – Spring Plant Life Hike, Rob Paratley & Rachel Cook
Meet in the lobby of the Hemlock Lodge. This is a moderately difficult hike of <3.0 miles with a ~300 foot ascent. Bison Way Trail. Bison Way Trailhead. 37.836831, -83.609732. Trailhead ~25 min drive from NBSRP
Join retired UK herbarium curator Dr. Rob Paratley and Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves botanist Rachel Cook on a hike to learn about spring plant life. Not only will you learn to identify the plants seen, but hike leads will discuss their plant families and their unique ecologies. This trail has ~300 foot ascent and is moderately difficult.
9:00AM – Junior Botanist Adventure for Kids!, Dr. Kelly Watson, Destiny Cornett, & EKU Students
Meet in the lobby of the Hemlock Lodge. An easy walk of less than 0.25 miles. Hemlock Lodge Area.
Calling all junior naturalists! Join Eastern Kentucky University’s Center for Environmental Education Director and Professor Dr. Kelly Watson, EKU Program Specialist Destiny Cornett & EKU Students on a botanical scavenger around the NBSRP Hemlock Lodge. NBSRP is a wonderfully biodiverse area that provides an excellent setting for young learners to engage with nature.
Saturday, April 13th – Afternoon Hikes
12:30PM – Art Workshop: “Reflecting on Nature through Artmaking”, Laura Mentor
Meet in the lobby of the Hemlock Lodge. This is a moderately difficult hike of 1.5 miles with a ~420 foot ascent. Original Trail to Shelter on top of Natural Bridge. Original Trailhead.
An opportunity to spend time observing and reflecting on nature through artmaking. Participants may choose from basic art materials provided, but are encouraged to bring their own as desired. Any subject from landscape painting at the top of Natural Bridge to close studies of native plants, incorporation of text into imagery or using imagery to enliven journaling is welcome. Time allowed for sharing and discussion. Of particular interest to the leader are ideas of how artists’ work can promote understanding of our vital relationship with the natural world around us. This trail has ~420 foot ascent and is moderately difficult. There are several shelters and benches on the Original Trail for rest breaks. If you would like to attend this workshop and cannot hike up to the top of Natural Bridge, you may use the Skylift to reach the top for an additional fee. Art supplies provided by KNPS.
12:30PM Kids Activities Table, Dr. Kelly Watson, Destiny Cornett, & EKU Students
Meet in the lobby of the Hemlock Lodge. Easy. >0.25 miles. Hemlock Lodge Area.
Drop-in activity, no registration required. Join Eastern Kentucky University’s Center for Environmental Education Director and Professor Dr. Kelly Watson, EKU Program Specialist Destiny Cornett & EKU Students for fun botanical and nature activities designed for the young naturalist! This activity requires minimal walking and is considered a gentle activity.
1:00PM – Non-Native Invasive Species Management Workshop, Kenneth Mills & Jason Nally
Meet in the lobby of the Hemlock Lodge. Easy. 0.25 miles. Woodland Center. This is an indoor workshop with a small hiking component.
Join Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves’ Natural Areas Technician Kenneth Mills and OKNP Natural Areas & Recovery Branch Manager Jason Nalley in this workshop about non-native invasive plant species. Eradicating invasive species from your property is crucial for improving conditions for native flora and fauna. Whether you own or manage 0.05 acres or 50,000 acres, this workshop equips you with key skills to identify invasive species and develop effective management plans to promote native species. Additionally, we will explore potential funding sources to support your invasive species management goals. Join us to learn practical strategies for conserving biodiversity on your land. Weather permitting, this workshop will include a short walk around the Natural Bridge State Parks grounds to identify invasive species and discuss potential management strategies.
1:00PM – ¡Despierta, Bosque! Un paseo de la primavera de los polinizadores, Dr. Valerie Peters & Dr. Jennifer Koslow
Meet in the lobby of the Hemlock Lodge. A moderately difficult hike of 2 miles. Rock Garden Trail. Original Trailhead.
Venga al bosque para una caminata bilingüe en español y ingles para aprender sobre las flores de la primavera y sus polinizadores, durante el tiempo del año cuando el bosque esta despertando del invierno. Las familias y la gente de todas las edades están bienvenidos. La Dra. Valerie Peters, quien estudia las polinizadores de KY y en Costa Rica, seria encargada de dirigir la caminata en español. La Dra. Jennifer Koslow, una ecóloga que estudia plantas en KY, estaría co-líder de la caminata, en Spanglish. 1-2 millas, caminata fácil a moderadamente difícil.
Wake up, Woods! A spring pollinator walk; Come take a bilingual (Spanish and English) walk in the woods to learn about spring wildflowers and their pollinators as the forest wakes up from its winter slumber. Families and people of all ages welcome. Dr. Valerie Peters, who studies pollinators in Kentucky and Costa Rica, will lead the walk in Spanish, while Dr. Jennifer Koslow, a plant ecologist who works in Kentucky, will assist in Spanglish. 1-2 miles, easy to moderately difficult walk.
1:00 PM – Wildflower and Geology Car Tour of Red River Gorge, Ron Jones & Mark Sweet
Meet in the lobby of the Hemlock Lodge. Driving tour with some walking. Carpooling required. Join Ron Jones, retired professor from EKU and Mark Sweet, owner of ProComp Services, on a car tour examining the botany and geology of the Red River Gorge. The group will carpool and make stops at Mill Creek Lake, Nada Tunnel, and Rock Bridge. This is a driving tour, so carpooling will be required due to limited parking in the RRG area.
Saturday, April 13th – Evening Talks in the Woodland Center at Natural Bridge SRP
6:00PM – Welcome/Introductions – Kendall McDonald
6:05PM – Celebration of 35th Anniversary of Wildflower Weekend
To celebrate 35 years of WW, KNPS members and friends were asked to send in photography of weekends in the past. The photography has been curated into a short video that highlights all the wonderful education and experiences members and friends have had with us in these decades.
6:10PM – KNPS Business Meeting, Heidi Braunreiter & David Taylor
6:30PM – iNaturalist BotanyBlitz Results, Vanessa Voelker
iNaturalist BotanyBlitz lead Vanessa Voelker will give guests a preliminary update on the results of the BotanyBlitz, covering current rankings in the competition and featuring any interesting botanical finds.
6:35PM – Pollinator Garden Grant Recipient Update, Liberty Hall Garden Curator
In 2023, KNPS began our pilot Pollinator Garden Grant Program. Liberty Hall, an historical institution and landmark in Kentucky’s capital of Frankfort, utilized the grant to begin to convert the popular garden to a diverse native plant garden. The Hall’s Garden Curator will provide us with an update on the success of their native plantings and plans for the future.
6:45PM – Fire on the Cumberland Plateau, Mary Arthur Because of the complexity of the hardwood forests of the Cumberland Plateau, it has only been in the last 50 years or so that scientists have come to understand the intertwined roles of humans and fire on these landscapes. Contemporary fire ecologists and land managers are tasked with harnessing that understanding in order to apply fire as a disturbance agent in the sustainable management of upland forests. Mary Arthur is a forest ecologist and professor emeritus at UK. Her research over 30 years examined the role of prescribed fire and wildfire on the ecology of upland forest ecosystems on the Cumberland Plateau of Kentucky, and helped to shape fire management and fire policy in the region.
7:00PM – Giant Cane Ecology and Restoration Methods, Dr. David Brown
Giant Cane (Arundinaria gigantea) is a native bamboo valuable for wildlife and ecosystem services. Historically widespread in Kentucky, Giant Cane has been reduced to small remnant patches. Restoring Giant Cane comes with unique challenges, but propagation methods have been developed. Landscape scale restoration will require training programs and available stock from nurseries. Restored canebrakes may effectively exclude invasive plant species.
David Brown is an ecologist and land manager who has worked at Eastern Kentucky University for 15 years. He conducts research on migratory birds and trains students in wildlife conservation and natural resource management.
7:30PM – Break
7:40PM – Fungi and their Relationship to Plants, Dr. Kristen Wickert
This talk will go over three broad categories of relationships that plants have with fungi: “The good, the bad, and the ugly” aka Symbiotic, Decomposer and Pathogenic relationships. While the broad general concepts of these relationships will be discussed, a few specific examples in Kentucky will also be highlighted.
Over the past eight years Dr. Kristen Wickert has utilized the social media app Instagram to educate the general public on the natural world around them. The posts to her personal Instagram account, with the username KaydubsTheHikingScientist, include information about organisms and conservation efforts to expose the public to the world around them, especially in the wild and wonderful world of Appalachia. Her educational background includes a bachelor’s in Forest Biology and a master’s and PhD in Plant Pathology. She studies fungi and how they affect plant life and how insects act as vectors in spreading disease causing fungi.
8:30PM – Q & A Session/Raffle Set up
8:40PM – Raffle This year’s raffle prizes include a wood carving by Bob VanHoff, a native flower paper sculpture by Vanessa Voelker, Wildflower Weekend 2024 Logo Merch, and native plants from several native plant growers across the state.