Fourth Annual Kentucky Botanical Symposium Videos

Coming together to discuss current botanical projects, conservation, and collaboration in Kentucky and beyond”

On Friday, February 2, 2024, the Kentucky Native Plant Society and the Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves held our fourth annual, virtual, Botanical Symposium. Close to 200 folks were able to attend online to hear and see several presentations about our native plants and plant communities. We know that there are many who would have liked to participate, but were not able to do so. Here are videos of all of the presentations.

Presenter Bios

Download a list of presenter contacts and links discussed in the presentations.

KNPS Updates presented by KNPS President Jeff Nelson

Length: 14:17

State of Kentucky Plant Conservation presented by Tara Littlefield of Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves

Length: 22:28

Finding a Place for Bees in the Conservation of Apios priceana presented by Bashira Chowdhury of Mississippi State University

Length: 14:30

Invasive Plant Assessments for Kentucky, presented by Frannie Preston of University of Kentucky

Length: 10:07

Frolicking with Filmy Ferns, presented by Dr. Sally Chambers and Ricelle Gibson of Eastern Kentucky University

Length: 16:19

Studying Pollinator Interactions in Rare Species: Old Dog, New Tricks, presented by Shawn Krosnick and Chris Waters of Tennessee Tech University

Length: 20:44

2023 iNaturalist Highlights and Kentucky Botanist Big Year Winners, presented by Vanessa Voelker of Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves

Length: 11:26

Conservation Awards
KNPS Stewardship Award for 2023 – Zach Beyer
KNPS Plant Conservation Individual Award for 2023 – Jim & Tina Scheff

Length: 8:53

Tribute to Robert “Bob” Dunlap

Length: 8:10