If you are an artist or graphic designer we would love for you to consider entering the Wildflower Weekend 2024 Logo Design Contest. This is an open design contest to come up with a logo for Wildflower Weekend 2024 (April 12-14 at Natural Bridge SRP). The logo will be used on t-shirts, hoodies, and coffee cups, as well as on all publicity about the event. The submitted designs will be presented to the KNPS membership for voting and the winner will be awarded $200 and be recognized on the KNPS website.
In June of 2022, a KNPS member posted the image on the right on the KNPS Facebook group page of a t-shirt she had found in a thrift store. Asking among several longtime members, it turns out that in the 1990s, and into the early 2000’s, KNPS produced t-shirts for each Wildflower Weekend. Last year the KNPS Board decided to bring back this great tradition for Wildflower Weekend 2023.
In early 2023, we began the process of creating a logo by presenting our members and friends with a slideshow of 13 native species and asking them to select their top three choices. The yellow trout lily (Erythronium americanum) was the narrow winner. The Board then asked KNPS member Kendall MacDonald to design a logo for the 2023 Wildflower Weekend. The beautiful image she created featured the yellow trout lily with Cumberland Falls as the background. The image was used in all publicity for the event and was also featured on an adult t-shirt, a coffee mug, a kid’s t-shirt, and an adult hoodie that were available for sale in our KNPS Gear Shop.

The star of the logo will be the native plant. Although the yellow trout lily was the plant that was first choice by a majority of those voting last year, the Trillium genus received almost as many votes and will be the flower to be featured on this year’s logo. Two species of Trillium received the same number of votes; the great white trillium (T. grandiflorum) and stinking Benjamin, a.k.a. red trillium (T. erectum). Both species are commonly found in the Natural Bridge/Red River Gorge area. Artists can choose to use either species or both in their design.
Continue reading Calling all Artists & Graphic Designers! Enter the Wildflower Weekend 2024 Logo Design Contest