Wildflower Weekend 2019 – Final Agenda

When: April 12, 2019, 1PM to 7PM & April 13, 2019, 8:30AM to 9PM
Where: Natural Bridge State Resort Park, Slade, Powell Co., KY

Everything is coming together for another great Wildflower Weekend. Take a look below at the final agenda. This year’s event offers outdoor hikes, a membership social, a book-signing, presentations, a panel forum, and raffle prizes. Professionally guided hikes and indoor presentations by regional experts explore the region’s rich natural history and resources. Click on either page to open the agenda in PDF format to download. Hope you can make it.

Wildflower Weekend 2019

When: April 12, 2019, 1PM to 8PM & April 13, 2019, 9AM to 9PM
Where: Natural Bridge State Resort Park, Slade, Powell Co., KY
Cost: $10 for adults, $3 for ages 12-17, free for ages 12 & under

Join us as we explore Natural Bridge State Park and the Red River Gorge in search of spring wildflowers with some of the best botanists in the state. Event will include wildflower hikes on Friday and Saturday, and a Friday night social with a short membership meeting and the opportunity to meet other KNPS members. Saturday evening will include educational talks, a book-signing, live music by the Forest Fiddleheads, and a panel discussion on recreational uses and impacts of the RRG and how they play a role in conservation. Door prizes and raffles will be included in Saturday evening festivities, including a wood carving by Bob VanHoff, as well as plants donated by KY Division of Forestry and UK Arboretum. Book-signing by Dan and Judy Dourson, authors of the new book Wildflowers and Ferns of Red River Gorge and the Greater Red River Basin.

Discounted KNPS memberships, $10 for paid registrants.
Registration on site prior to hikes and programs. Hikes start at Natural Bridge Lodge, programs are in Woodland Activities Center.

2018 Fall Membership Meeting

When: Saturday, Oct. 27, from 9:15 AM to 4 PM
Where: Sassafras Room at the Bernheim Arboretum Visitor Center, 2075 Clermont Road, Clermont, KY.

Please join us for the KNPS Fall Meeting on October 27, 2018, from 9:15AM to 4PM, at the Bernheim Arboretum Visitor Center. If you want to learn more about your Society, if you want to meet other Kentucky native plant enthusiasts, if you want to provide your input to the future direction of the Society, or if you just want to spend some time outdoors in one of our state’s beautiful nature preserves, the KNPS Fall Meeting is for you.

From 9:15 AM to 9:45 AM, you can sign in, have coffee, and meet other KNPS members. During this time, you may also renew your KNPS membership for 2019 at a $5 discount. If you would like to bring a friend who is interested in joining the Society, they can become a member at the same discounted rate.

Starting at 9:45 AM, the KNPS leadership team will give a short overview of the Society’s activities in 2018. This should last no more then 30 minutes.

At 10:15AM we will have a couple of presentations. First, Andrew  Berry, Bernheim Forest Manager, will present “Bernheim Plant Conservation Initiatives”  Andrew will discuss Bernheim’s recent land acquisition projects to protect corridors for long term plant migrations and protection along with other recent plant conservation initiatives.  He will also discuss his recent trip to Japan as a Bernheim representative and the relationship between Kentucky and Japan’s Flora.

Next, Dr. Alan Risk, Morehead State University professor, botanist, lichenologist, and herbarium curator will present “Lichen and Bryophyte Inventory Throughout Kentucky, With a Focus On the Parmotrema Genus”. Dr. Risk will discuss his recent projects inventorying lichens, mosses, liverworts, and hornworts across Kentucky in partnership with the Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves.  He will discuss in detail the lichen Genus Parmotrema.

Starting at around 11:00 AM, the group as a whole will discuss plans for the Society in 2019. We will discuss the 2019 Wildflower Weekend (scheduled for April 12 & 13, 2019 at Natural Bridge), the location of the 2020 Wildflower Weekend, 2019 Field Trips, and other topics.

After the meeting, around 11:45 AM,  we will break for lunch. Attendees can prepay $10 for a lunch provided by Bernheim or do lunch on their own. The Bernheim lunch will be soup and chicken salad sandwiches with vegetarian options also available. We will contact registrants by email a couple of weeks before the meeting to get your lunch choices

After lunch we will drive the roughly 12 miles to Pine Creek Barrens Nature Preserve. Our hike leaders will take us on an approximately 1 mile, Easy hike. We will likely see the Great Plains ladies’ tresses orchid (Spiranthes magnicamporum), a rare species in KY, still in flower.

We are requesting that members pre-register for the meeting and hike. You can register online using the Registration Form at the KNPS website. From the form you can pay for your lunch using a credit or debit card.

If you have any questions, just send an email to info@knps.org.

Wildflower Weekend 2018

When: April 13, 2018, 1PM to 8PM & April 14, 2018, 9AM to 9PM
Where: Natural Bridge State Resort Park, Slade, Powell Co., KY
Cost: $10 for adults, $3 for ages 12-17, free for ages 12 & under

Join us as we explore the Natural Bridge and the Red River Gorge in search of wildflowers with some of the best botanists in the state and listen to fascinating talks on native plants by regional experts. Most hikes are child friendly.

Door prizes/raffles will be offered during evening talks, including a lady-slipper wood carving by Bob Van Hoff. Come to the open members meeting on Saturday to learn more about the state of Kentucky plants, KNPS projects, and become a more active member! A tribute to Clara Weiland, a former KNPS officer and board member, will take place before the Lucy and Annett Braun Play on Saturday evening. Discounted KNPS memberships $10 for paid registrants

Register and sign up for hikes at a table next to the gift shop in the lobby of the Natural Bridge Lodge. Hikes start at the same location. Programs are in Woodland Activities Center.

2018 Wildflower Weekend agenda
Weekend Agenda – Click to view full size