If you’re an iNaturalist user (or want to become one!) and a native plant fanatic, KNPS would like to invite you to join the fourth annual Kentucky Botanists Big Year project!
A Botanists Big Year is a personal challenge or a friendly competition to observe and identify as many plant species as possible in a single year. The rules for the challenge are simple: 1) Observations must be of a plant – native or non-native, vascular or non-vascular, everything in Kingdom Plantae counts! 2) Observations must occur within the Commonwealth of Kentucky 3) Observations must be between January 1 – December 31, 2022 4) Observations must reach “Research Grade” status (this is when at least 2/3 of identifiers reach a consensus on a species ID)
The top five participants in the categories of Most Species, Most Observations, and Most Identifications will win KNPS swag, as well as the glory of victory! Naturalists and enthusiasts of any skill level are encouraged to join up: Big Year projects are a fantastic way to document and remember interesting plants you saw, learn how to identify them, and connect with other naturalists in the state. We hope to see you and your observations out there!
This was the second year KNPS hosted an iNaturalist Botanists Big Year for Kentucky. The Botanists Big Year is a friendly competition to observe as many different wild/naturalized plant species as possible in the state; it’s a great way to explore new natural areas, get to know your favorite nature preserves better, learn how to recognize hundreds of native species, and discover which ones are your favorites!
In 2020, 2,251 people made 17,919 research-grade observations of 1,298 species – way to go, Kentucky botanists! This year, John Abrams (@jabrams_foc) swept the #1 spot for both Most Species (374) and Most Observations (1,642).
A few of John Abrams’ observations from 2020 (top row): Field milkwort, Polygala sanguinea; Buxbaum’s sedge, Carex buxbaumii; Dwarf sundew, Drosera brevifolia; (bottom row) Indian grass, Sorghastrum nutans; Soapwort gentian, Gentiana saponaria; and Ragged fringed orchid, Platanthera lacera.
Prizes and certificates will be given to the top five participants in three categories:
Most Observed Species:
@jabrams_foc – 374
@nyssa_ogeche – 283
@kentuckybotanist – 241
@biomania – 207
@emwachter – 200
Most Observations:
@jabrams_foc – 1,642
@nyssa_ogeche – 414
@emwachter – 343
@robert1971 – 342
@kentuckybotanist – 338
MVP Identifiers – many thanks to the folks that helped us get so many observations to Research Grade!
@thomashulsey – 2,272
@jabrams_foc – 1,827
@davidenrique – 842
@melanielinkperez – 670
@polemoniaceae – 518
Since the inception of iNaturalist, 1,888 Research Grade plant species have been observed in Kentucky, but this does not represent the full extent of all plants known to occur in the state. In fact, there are several hundred of Kentucky’s plant species that have not yet been observed on iNat! Here are a few members of the state’s flora that made their “iNat debut” in 2020:
Buckley’s goldenrod, Solidago buckleyi, observed by @jeff85
Little Mountain Meadow-Rue, Thalictrum mirabile, observed by @biomania
Coastal Virgin’s-Bower, Clematis catesbyana, observed by @jabrams_foc
Narrow-leaf bluecurls, Trichotema setaceum, observed by @jblewis
Notably, 2020 was a banner year for rare twining vines of the Pea Family (Fabaceae). Two of the most botanically exciting finds from Kentucky iNatters were the discovery of new populations of Price’s potato-bean (Apios priceana) by @kentuckycourtenay in Warren County, and Cream ticktrefoil (Desmodium ochroleucum) by @frank-lyne in Logan County. Price’s potato-bean is a globally threatened species that is similar to the common and widespread American groundnut (Apios americana), but Price’s potato-bean has larger, pinkish to pale purple flowers, whereas American groundnut flowers are smaller and deep maroon:
Cream ticktrefoil is a globally rare species, which is most similar to Round-leaved ticktrefoil (Desmodium rotundifolium). Both plants have a trailing habit, but Cream ticktrefoil has cream-colored flowers and oval-shaped leaflets, while Round-leaved ticktrefoil has pink flowers with nearly orbicular leaflets.
What native species did Kentucky observe most frequently across the months of 2020? Mid to late winter was prime time for orchid spotting: the most photographed native in January was Downy rattlesnake plantain, Goodyera pubescens (photo by @emwachter) and in February, the Cranefly orchid, Tipularia discolor (photo by @natebutcher). Longer days and warmer soils brings everybody’s favorite: spring ephemerals! In March, the most observed species was the dainty Cutleaf toothwort, Cardamine concatenata (photo by @bereahome):
In both April and (appropriately enough) May, the umbrella-like foliage and discreetly hidden flowers of Mayapple, Podophyllum peltatum was the most observed native (photo by @sillydog). In June Sassafras, Sassafras albidum (photo by @dalton28) was the dominant observation. This is a common native tree and a great species to introduce to young kids, as the crushed leaves of Sassafras smell just like Froot Loops cereal! In the heat of July, many of us were admiring the charms of the ubiquitous Common selfheal, Prunella vulgaris (photo by @frank_lyne):
Late summer belonged to the eye-catching orange blossoms of Spotted jewelweed, Impatiens capensis (photo by @hwisniewski), the most observed plant for both August and September. In October, the dense berry clusters of Pokeweed, Phytolacca americana (photo by @ellemaac) took center stage. And in the final two months of the year, the friendly evergreen foliage of Christmas fern, Polystichum acrostichoides (photo by @asherhiggins91) was still there to greet us on woodland walks:
For the entire year, the plant species that Kentuckians observed most in 2020 were:
1. Common jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) – 236 observations
Interested in participating in 2021? You can join us any time by heading over to the current Kentucky Botanists Big Year Project page and clicking “Join” at the top of the page!
Help us spread the love of botanizing throughout Kentucky! Find the most plant species in Kentucky in 2020 by making observation on iNaturalist and help contribute to a better understanding of the diversity, distribution, and conservation status of our state’s flora. Check out the project here.
One of the world’s most popular nature apps, iNaturalist helps you identify the plants and animals around you. Get connected with a community of over 750,000 scientists and naturalists who can help you learn more about nature! What’s more, by recording and sharing your observations, you’ll create research quality data for scientists working to better understand and protect nature.
Congrats to our iNaturalist project winners! For the Kentucky Botanists Big Year 2019 project, we awarded prizes to the top five people in three categories:
Most Observations:
Kendall McDonald, winner in two categories of the iNaturalist Project: Kentucky Botanists Big Year 2019
Joey Shaw
John Abrams
Tara Littlefield
Kendall McDonald
Elsa Wachter
Most Observed Species:
Tara Littlefield
John Abrams
Joey Shaw
Elsa Wachter
Kendall McDonald
Most Identifications:
Mikayla Groce
Dwayne Estes
Margaret Carreiro
Richard Abott
John Abrams
Prizes will be given out Saturday, April 4th at our 2020 Wildflower Weekend at Natural Bridge State Resort Park during the evening speaker session.Each winner will receive a KNPS mug with the project name and their winning category on it!
Help us spread the love of botanizing throughout Kentucky! Find the most plant species in Kentucky in 2019 and help contribute to our plant atlas and other conservation projects. Using the iNaturalist app and site, we will build a collection of observations of Kentucky native plant species.
iNaturalist helps you identify the plants and animals around you. Get connected with a community of over 750,000 scientists and naturalists who can help you learn more about nature! What’s more, by recording and sharing your observations, you’ll create research quality data for scientists working to better understand and protect nature.
Click on the picture of the project below to visit and see what species have already been observed.