Jeff Nelson – KNPS President
Hello fellow native plant enthusiasts. I hope everyone’s spring is going well and that you have been able to get out into Kentucky’s natural areas to enjoy our native plant communities. Last week I went down to the Ballard WMA in Ballard, Co. and saw one of my favorite spring natives, American wisteria (Wisteria frutescens) in full bloom. Note the long racemes. Wisteria frutescens is generally described as having racemes 2″-6″ long and many of the ones on this plant were longer than that. This likely means that this specimen is W. frutescens var. macrostachya. Some taxonomists consider this variety a separate species, Kentucky wisteria (Wisteria macrostachya). American wisteria has been sold in the nursery trade for many years and many cultivars are available. One of the most common of these cultivars is sold as Kentucky wisteria ‘Blue Moon’. Regardless of its taxonomic uncertainty, I hope you too get an opportunity to see this beautiful native growing wild in Kentucky.
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