Wildflower Trivia Night on Zoom
Wildflower Week 2021

“What is the Kentucky state flower? One point for the general name and one point for the common name of the specific species and one point for the full scientific name. There about 30 different species of this type in Kentucky.” (*answer below)

Join with other native plant enthusiasts for a Wildflower Trivia Night on Zoom, organized and presented by the staff of The Arboretum, State Botanical Garden of Kentucky.

As a part of Wildflower Week, The Arboretum will host a wildflower-themed trivia night on Tuesday April 13 at 7:00 p.m. EDT. This “ephemeral” event will take place on Zoom so you can join us from the comfort of your own couch! You and your team will be quizzed on Kentucky native wildflowers, botany, and flower-inspired pop culture. Don’t be intimidated if you are not an expert! All plant lovers, regardless of their knowledge level, are guaranteed to have fun and be challenged.

Pre-registration is required as space is limited! Please call (859) 257-9339 or send an email to Arboretum@uky.edu with your name, email address and phone number. Register with a friend to be on the same team or register by yourself and meet some new friends who also love plants!

*Answer to trivia question: Giant goldenrod (Solidago gigantea)

Virtual Field Trips During
Wildflower Week

Besides all of the other great events during Wildflower Week 2021 , we have scheduled a virtual field trip for every day of the Week. Each day the video of the virtual hike for that day will be posted on our website at 8:30AM. The video will be available for viewing from then on. You can see all of the posted videos at our Virtual Field Trips page, so bookmark that page and check in each day.

Sat. 10thFerns of Anglin Falls – Join Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves botanist Rachel Cook on a virtual hike through John B. Stephenson Memorial Forest State Nature Preserve. While this Preserve is known for its beauty, Anglin Falls, it also has a great diversity of ferns with 32 species!

Sun 11thWildflowers of Cove Springs Park

Mon 12thSpring Flora of Glades and Barrens at Embry Lay – Join Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves botanist Tony Romano for a tour of spring flowers and flora in a rare glade and barrens habitat complex. We’ll explore plants adapted to thin soils, fires, and grassland openings.

Tues 13thTrilliums of Kentucky – Trilliums are an unforgettable genus of spring wildflowers with their three leaves, petals and sepals, habitat preferences, interesting floriferous smells, and pollination and seed dispersal strategies. Join Tara Littlefield and family as they explore Kentucky’s Trillium diversity across Kentucky

Wed 14thWildflowers of Crooked Creek State Nature Preserve

Thur 15thWildflowers of an Heritage Land Conservation Fund site TBD.

Fri 16thNeat Flora of Dry Outcrops and Woodlands in the Kentucky River Valley – Cedar, ash, oaks, and honeysuckle aren’t the only things inhabiting the dry, rocky, steep habitats above the Kentucky River. Join Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves botanist Devin Rodgers for a tour of some of the neat flora adapted to these sunny, erodible, rugged, beautiful places.

Sat 17thEarly flowering plants of upland seeps, grasslands and woodlands in the Cumberland Plateau – Join Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves staff Tara Littlefield and Forest Service staff David Taylor and Claudia Cotton on a hike to see what is blooming in the upland grasslands, woodlands and seeps of the Cumberland Plateau.

Virtual Field Trips Page

Starting on Saturday, April 10, through Saturday, April 17, we will be posting a daily Virtual Field Trip on this page. Bookmark this page and check back each day.

Countdown to Wildflower Week 2021!

Wildflower Week Starts April 10

The snow has melted, the days are getting warmer, we’re excited to celebrate the glory of spring and we hope you’ll join us for a virtual Wildflower Week from April 10-17. If you’re as ready as we are to get outside and explore natural areas for our favorite spring bloomers, head over to iNaturalist to join our Wildflower Week 2021 BotanyBlitz! A BotanyBlitz is citizen-science event that focuses on finding and identifying as many plant species as possible in a select area for a specific period of time. This particular Blitz is a state-wide event that will run for the duration of Wildflower Week, and it’s a great outdoor activity and easy to do while social-distancing! All you need to do to participate is log in or sign up for an iNaturalist account (a quick and easy process), navigate to the project page and click the “Join” button near the top right corner, then just upload plant photos you take during the week. If you aren’t sure how to identify everything you see, fear not! KNPS members will be watching the observations roll in, and are more than happy to help identify all the plants you aren’t familiar with. We encourage everyone to post their wildflower observations on iNaturalist for this botanyblitz, we’d love to see what’s blooming in your part of the state.

We also have a number of events already planned throughout the week:

  • On Saturday April 10, all are invited to attend the KNPS Spring Meeting & Wildflower Week Kick-Off Zoom meeting. Register here to attend both the Kick-off and Closing meetings!
  • Then on Monday April 12, we’re looking forward to watching a virtual hike with Park Naturalist Samantha Evans to Natural Bridge State Resort Park in the Red River Gorge area.
  • Tuesday April 13, Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves Botanist Tara Littlefield will take us on a virtual hike of Cumberland Plateau acid seeps of eastern Kentucky, a rare habitat that OKNP is helping to restore. Later that evening, you can test your botanical knowledge by attending a wildflower trivia contest hosted by The Arboretum, State Botanical Garden of Kentucky.
  • Make sure to sign up for Wednesday’s live Zoom class on Botanical Drawing, lead by Assistant Director of the UNC Charlotte Botanical Gardens Amy Tipton.
  • And on Sunday April 17, join us again on Zoom for our Closing Session, and to hear the BotanyBlitz Results!

Additional virtual as well as local events will be added between now and the Kick-Off date, so make sure to bookmark our official Wildflower Week 2021 info page to find out how to register for various events and check for updates.

Mark your calendars now, and we’ll see you on April 10!

Harbinger of spring (Erigenia bulbosa), doing what it does best.

Online Botany Courses this Summer

Dr. Ronald L. Jones, Foundation Professor Emeritus at Eastern Kentucky University, will be offering two online botany courses this summer. The courses will give students a “fieldlike” experience online thru the use of videos, photographs, and presentations, and thru the use of the keys in Dr. Jones’ book, “Plant Life of Kentucky: An Illustrated Guide to the Vascular Flora.” One course is thru EKU, covering a variety of plants, and the other is at UT Martin, focusing on aquatic and wetland plants.

Aquatic and Wetland Plants

All Online!

University of Tennessee at Martin
Reelfoot Lake Environmental Field Station
BIOL 306/506, 3 semester hours credit

July 13—August 13 (Summer Term II)
Summer 2021

This online course has been developed to give students a “field-like” experience in the age of Covid-19! Videos and photographs from the field will be posted on Canvas. Students will develop skills in keying and identification of aquatic and wetland plants (ferns, wildflowers, shrubs, and trees)—abilities that are highly needed in many types of federal, state, and consulting jobs. Many ecological topics will also be addressed, including typical habitats, wildlife uses, and current conservation issues.

Non-UTM students must enroll at UTMartin: https://www.utm.edu/departments/nondegree/. Tuition is $1257 for in-state, $1365 for out-of-state students.

Students will be given daily assignments, Monday through Thursday each week, involving a combination of zoom sessions, internet and reading assignments, and field studies.

Instructor: Dr. Ronald L. Jones
Foundation Professor Emeritus, Eastern Kentucky University

Adjunct Professor, UTM

Download this flyer as a PDF

Topics in Field Biology:
Botany – 52886, 52887 – BIO 595/795 – 002

Eastern Kentucky University

3 hours credit.
May 17, 2021 – June 25, 2021
Instructor: Ronald L. Jones
Foundation Professor Emeritus

This online course has been developed to give students a “field-like” experience in the age of Covid-19! Videos and photographs will be uploaded to Blackboard and then follow-up assignments will be posted. Students will develop skills in keying and identification of ferns, wildflowers, shrubs, and trees—abilities that are highly needed in many types of federal, state, and consulting jobs. Plants from aquatic, wetland, and upland habitats will be included. Many ecological topics will also be addressed, including typical habitats, wildlife uses, and current conservation issues.

Students will be given daily assignments, typically involving a zoom session from 10 am till noon for 3 days a week, on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and a 3 hour field session, 9 am till noon, on Thursday morning, over the 6-week summer semester. No classes on Fridays.

Non-EKU students need to enroll at EKU– https://admissions.eku.edu/non-degree-students; tuition is $1158 for in-state, $2418 for out-of-state.


Download this flyer as a PDF

Native Plant Sales in 2021

As spring approaches many native plant gardeners are looking for sources of native plants for their landscape. Many organizations have native plant sales in the spring.

KNPS is building a listing of these native plant sales and plant and seed swaps, that will appear on our page, Native Plant Sales in Kentucky and Surrounding Areas in 2021. But to build this list we need your help. If you or your organization are having a sale this spring (or in the fall, if you have the date set), please submit the information about the sale using the form below. If you know of a group planning a sale, please direct them towards this form. Thanks.

Native Plant Sales and Swaps

A form to collect information about native plant sales and swaps in the region

"*" indicates required fields

This is the name of the sale or the organization sponsoring the sale (or both).
This is the date of the sale, swap, or exchange.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
If the sale or plant pickup is held on a second day, enter that date here.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Enter the start and end time for the sale or plant pickup. If the sale is on multiple days and each day has a different time, just note that here. For example: Sat. 9AM to 2PM, Sun. 12 to 2PM.
Some sales allow for pre-ordering plants. Provide information about the pre-order procedures and dates here.
If the sale is to be held in a specific, named location (e.g. Euclid Methodist Church parking lot) include that information here. Include the address of the location in the address boxes below.
Link for pre-ordering or general information about the plant sale.
Use this box for any additional information about the sale, e.g. contact name and/or phone number.

This information will be used by the Kentucky Native Plant Society to contact you with questions or issues related to the listing. We would prefer an email address. This information will not be shared with anyone other than KNPS staff.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

How to Embed a YouTube Video

Embedding a YouTube video in a post on our website is relatively straightforward.

  1. Create a new Post on the website.
  2. Get a shareable link to the video from YouTube
  3. At the location where you want to embed the video, click on the “Add block” plus sign in the upper left corner
  4. Scroll down to the Embeds blocks and choose YouTube
  5. In the YouTube embed block, paste the shareable link you got for the video and click on the embed button.

The video is now embedded in the post.