Kentucky Botanical Symposium (Virtual)

Thursday, January 26, 2023, 9:00AM-11:30AM EST, Virtual & Free

Coming together to discuss current botanical projects, conservation, and collaboration in Kentucky and beyond”

The Kentucky Native Plant Society (KNPS) and Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves (OKNP) is co-hosting the annual Kentucky Botanical Symposium on Thursday, January 26th from 9:00AM-11:30AM EST. For several years, KNPS has organized a botanical symposium with a goal of bringing together professionals, community scientists, academics, researchers, gardeners, and students to learn about what is going on in the world of Kentucky botany and beyond. This year, speakers and facilitators include Tara Littlefield (OKNP/KYPCA) discussing the current state of Kentucky plant conservation, Jeff Nelson providing KNPS updates, Dr. Alan Weakley (NCBG) providing an update on the SE flora project, Justin Thomas (NatureCITE) providing an overview of management effects on grasslands in Missouri, Nour Salam (OKNP) discussing modernizing data collection for field botanists and land managers, and Dr. Bridgette Williams discussing conservation genetics and the recent Kentucky Glade Cress (Leavenworthia exigua var. leavenworthia) project. 

We are accepting updates from our plant partners to be featured in the botanical stakeholders highlights portion of the meeting. You can submit a PowerPoint slide including information about news or events to be featured during the symposium break. If you want to update Kentucky’s botanical community about recent native plant related news, projects, or upcoming events, please contact us at to be added to the stakeholders update section.

Starting in 2021, the Kentucky Native Plant Society began formally recognizing individuals with the KNPS Conservation Award. Individuals are recognized for their outstanding contributions in advancing KNPS’s mission: to promote education about, appreciation for, and conservation of Kentucky’s native plants and native plant communities. If you know of someone deserving of this award, please send us an email to with the individual’s name (and contact info) and a description of what this person has done to qualify for this recognition.


Welcome & General Symposium Rules Overview, Heidi Braunreiter, KNPS Vice-President

Kentucky Native Plant Society Updates, Jeff Nelson, KNPS President

State of Kentucky Plant Conservation, Tara Littlefield, OKNP State Botanist, Plant Conservation & Biological Assessment Branch Manager & KPCA Coordinator

Update on the Southeastern Flora Project, Dr. Alan Weakley, North Carolina Botanical Garden & Southeast Botanist

Modernizing Data Collection for Field Botany and Management, Nour Salam, OKNP Database Analyst

Break with stakeholder and upcoming events slideshow updates

Species Level Vegetation Monitoring – Letting the Trees, Forbs, Grasses, and Communities Speak for Themselves, Justin Thomas, NatureCITE Co-director

Advancing Plant Conservation with Genetic and Epigenetic Tools: A case study of the federally threatened “Kentucky glade cress,” Leavenworthia exigua var. laciniata, Dr. Bridgette Williams & Dr. Christie Edwards, Missouri Botanical Garden

Questions and Discussions Section, Moderator: Ted Brancheau, KNPS Board Member

Kentucky Botanical Symposium Speakers:

Kentucky Native Plant Society Updates, Jeff Nelson, KNPS President

Jeff Nelson has a B.S. in Chemistry from the University of California at Santa Barbara. Jeff worked as the IT Director of the Paducah Independent School District for 15 years, retiring in 2008. A native of California, Jeff, his wife Liz, and his son Aaron, moved to McCracken Co., Kentucky, in 1987. After building their house on their 10 acres, the family has spent the last 30 years restoring the property from farmland to a native woodland. As a lifelong amateur naturalist, Jeff loves exploring Kentucky and learning about the rich diversity of the Commonwealth’s many ecosystems. He has been a member of the KNPS since the early 1990s and on the Board since 2017, and is the current KNPS president (2022-2024)

Jeff Nelson

State of Kentucky Plant Conservation, Tara Littlefield, OKNP State Botanist, Plant Conservation & Biological Assessment Branch Manager & KPCA Coordinator

Tara Littlefield is the state botanist and manager of the Plant Conservation and Biological Assessment Branch at the Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves.  She has over 17 years’ experience as a heritage biologist (botany and ecology) and natural area conservation leadership.    She also coordinates the states Plant Conservation Alliance, a public private partnership working on rare plant and community conservation, and is the past president of the KNPS (2016-2022).  Tara has a B.S. in Biochemistry from University of Louisville, M.S. in Forestry/Plant Ecology from the University of Kentucky and is currently pursuing a PhD at the University of Kentucky in Forest/Natural Resource Conservation.  Much of her work involves rare species surveys, general floristic inventories, natural areas inventory, biological research, acquisition/protection of natural areas, rare plant/community restoration and recovery, and biological/conservation program development and management.

Tara Littlefield

Update on the Southeastern Flora Project, Dr. Alan Weakley, Plant Taxonomist, Community Ecologist, UNC herbarium director and professor

Alan Weakley is a plant taxonomist, community ecologist, and conservationist specializing in the Southeastern United States. He holds a B.A. from UNC-Chapel Hill and a Ph.D. from Duke University.  He has worked as botanist and ecologist for the N.C. Natural Heritage Program, and as regional and chief ecologist for The Nature Conservancy and NatureServe. He is currently Director of the UNC Herbarium, a department of the N.C. Botanical Garden, and teaches as adjunct faculty at UNC-Chapel Hill and at the Highlands Biological Station. Alan is the author and coordinator of The Flora of the Southeastern United States is an open access, downloadable flora with over 10,000 species. See the article about this important research here: Flora of the Southeastern United States – 2020 Edition. He has also released an app, FloraQuest, co-developed with Michael Lee and Rudy Nash, covering the Southeastern United States flora. Alan focuses on systematics and biogeography of the Southeastern United States, community classification developing the U.S. National Vegetation Classification, and land management, conservation planning, and environmental policy involving the conservation of Southeastern United States ecosystems and species.

Dr. Alan Weakley

Modernizing Data Collection for Field Botany and Management, Nour Salam, OKNP Database Analyst

Nour Salam is a database analyst at the Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves. She is passionate about using her SQL and GIS skills to guide data-driven conservation decisions. Nour earned a bachelor’s degree in Biology from the American University of Beirut and a master’s degree in marine biodiversity and conservation from the University of Pierre and Marie Curie, and got the opportunity to live in five different countries as part of that path. For the last 3 years, she has been focusing on managing Kentucky’s natural heritage database and making sure that staff botanists, zoologists, and land managers have the GIS tools they need to operate efficiently in the field. During her off time, she’s currently pursuing her mission to birdwatch in every Kentucky county, and to hike the state’s most beautiful preserves and trails.

Nour Salam

Species Level Vegetation Monitoring – Letting the Trees, Forbs, Grasses, and Communities Speak for Themselves, Justin Thomas, Co-Director of NatureCITE, Director of the Institute of Botanical Training

Justin Thomas is the co-founder and Science Director of NatureCITE and the co-founder and Director of the Institute of Botanical Training. He conducts ecological and taxonomic research, instructs plant identification workshops, and serves as a scientific advisor to several conservation organizations in the central and eastern United States. 

Justin Thomas

Advancing Plant Conservation with Genetic and Epigenetic Tools: A case study of the federally threatened “Kentucky glade cress,” Leavenworthia exigua var. laciniata, Dr. Bridgette Williams & Dr. Christie Edwards, Missouri Botanical Garden

Brigette Williams is a Postdoctoral Fellow in Plant Conservation Genetics in the Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development at the Missouri Botanical Garden. Her primary research interests focus on understanding how plants with limited or fixed genetic diversity, such as rare and endangered species, respond to and survive changing environmental conditions in order to better conserve and protect native plants. She uses a range of approaches, including field-based and greenhouse experiments, in combination with genetic tools to identify important variation that can promote rare plants’ capacity to adapt and survive, and to enable their conservation.

Dr. Bridgette Williams

Native Plant Suppliers & Service Providers Listing

Many KNPS members and friends are passionate native plant gardeners and are always on the look out for sources of native plants and seeds. Beginning native plant gardeners also often are looking for help with landscape design and similar services. For several years the KNPS website has featured a listing of Native Plant Suppliers & Service Providers in our region who grow and sell native plants and who work with native plants in other ways. Service providers include landscape designers and installers, invasive species removal specialists, habitat restoration specialists, and other businesses that have a focus on native plants.

If you are a native plant related business or know of such as business, and would like to have that business featured, we invite you to fill out this form on our website:

If you have any questions, please contact

President’s Message

American Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis)

A new calendar year has begun and as each day becomes a bit longer it is a good time to reflect on the past and look forward to the future. 2022 was my first year as President of our Society and was also our first chance to come together for in-person events after 2 years of the COVID pandemic.

KNPS activities for the year began with Wildflower Week 2022, a week of native plant activities, culminating in our first, in-person, Wildflower Weekend since 2019. We began the week with around a dozen wildflower walks in locations across the Commonwealth, from McCracken Co. in the west to Letcher Co. in the east. These walks were billed as “iNaturalist Tutorial Hikes” and had two goals. To help people utilize the iNaturalist app for plant identification and to get folks participating in our second, week-long BotanyBlitz. A BotanyBlitz is an event where participants try to document as many plant species as possible within a certain geographical location during a set period of time. The KNPS Wildflower Week 2022 Botany Blitz began on April 2, 2022 and ran through April 9, 2022. During that week, participants made over 4,500 observations of 537 different species of Kentucky plants, including 6 species that are listed as rare in KY.

Planning is now well on its way for our third annual BotanyBlitz on iNaturalist from April 8th-15th, 2023. As in prior years, BotanyBlitz allows us to broaden our spring wildflower scope to the entire state of Kentucky and allows us to highlight natural areas across the commonwealth! If you work/volunteer at a natural area in Kentucky and would like to partner with us to host a wildflower hike at your site to kick off the BotanyBlitz week, please send an email to:

Sweet pinesap (Monotropsis odorata), Red River Gorge

From April 8th, 2022 through April 10th, 2022, over 100 native plant enthusiasts came together to enjoy KNPS’ first, in-person, Wildflower Weekend since 2019, Wildflower Weekend 2022. Although temperatures were cool and skies were damp at Natural Bridge SRP, spirits were high as folks dressed for the weather and enjoyed 14 different native plant walks led by an incredible group of expert botanists. Saturday night, a large group of KNPS members and friends met in the Woodland Center for presentations by Ted Brancheau, Nick Koenig, and the keynote speaker, Mike Homoya.

Planning has already begun on Wildflower Weekend 2023 and the dates have been set for April 14th – 16th, 2023! For over 30 years, Kentucky Native Plant Society has partnered with Natural Bridge State Resort Park to offer guided hikes to explore Kentucky’s rich natural history and resources in the Red River Gorge. This year, Kentucky State Parks has offered to host our annual Wildflower Weekend at another of Kentucky’s beautiful state parks: Cumberland Falls State Resort Park. We are excited to hike new trails, see new wildflowers, and increase access to this event for members in a different part of the state. Save the dates and watch your email in early March for details on the hikes and registration procedures.

Swamp candles (Lysimachia terrestris), Ballard WMA

Field trips to quality natural areas in Kentucky have always been an important part of the educational mission of KNPS. Field trips in 2022 explored native plant communities that most of us have little experience with, from the Ohio River bottomland, cypress-tupelo swamps to the limestone barrens of central Kentucky. We hope to explore more of Kentucky’s rich diversity of native plant life in 2023. If there is an area in Kentucky that you think would be a good candidate site for a field trip, or if you would like to help by leading or co-leading a field trip this year, just send us an email at

We were thrilled to be able to have workshops again. In May of 2022, we were presented a workshop, Plant Family Identification Motifs: patterns for simplifying the complexity, led by Dr. J. Richard Abbott, Assistant Professor of Biology at the University of Arkansas. This workshop filled up fast when offered and was very well received, with one participant saying, “Just wanted to drop a line that this class was fantastic!” We hope to offer more workshops going forward.

KNPS Members & Friends at Blue Licks Battlefield SRP for the KNPS Fall Meeting, Oct. 15, 2022

We closed out the year’s activities with our 2022 Fall Meeting at Blue Licks Battlefield State Resort Park on Saturday, October 15th. On a beautiful fall day dozens of KNPS members and friends came together at Blue Licks Battlefield for our first in-person Fall Meeting since 2019. Blue Licks is one of the few locations in the world (three counties in KY and one county in IN) where the globally rare goldenrod, Short’s goldenrod (Solidago shortii) can be found. The day began with presentations about Short’s goldenrod by Dr. Carol Baskin and Jess Slade. In the afternoon the group, led by KNPS Vice-President Heidi Braunreiter and Immediate Past President Tara Littlefield, explored a limestone glade community in the park. The group saw Short’s goldenrod in bloom, along with two other species of native goldenrod, gray goldenrod (S. nemoralis) and tall goldenrod (S. altissima). Other native species of note that were in bloom included Great Plains lady’s tresses (Spiranthes magnicamporum), white gentian (Gentiana alba), and agueweed (Gentianella quinquefolia). It was wonderful to come together and share our love of Kentucky’s native plants. For one person’s experience, be sure to read Kristin Bailey Wilson’s post about the day, KNPS 2022 Fall Meeting Provides Information and Community.

2023 is already shaping up to be a banner year for the Kentucky Native Plant Society. We are kicking off the year with the annual Kentucky Botanical Symposium, on Thursday, January 26th from 9:00AM-11:30AM EST. This is one event that we continue to present virtually. Be sure to follow the link and register for this great event. April 8-16 will bring Wildflower Week 2023, with plant ID hikes, BotanyBlitz 2023, and Wildflower Weekend. We plan to offer several field trips throughout the year and we are hoping to set up at least one workshop.

The mission of the Kentucky Native Plant Society is to promote education about, appreciation for, and conservation of our native flora. Everything that KNPS does in support of this mission is planned, organized, and implemented by volunteers from our membership. Nothing happens without members’ willingness to help out. Regardless of whether you are a long time advocate for Kentucky’s native plants or if you are just getting started in your journey of exploration with native flora, we would love for you to become more involved with the Society. If you can help KNPS out this year, please take a minute to submit the form below.

I would like to help KNPS in these areas.
If you could help out KNPS in any way, please check the area(s) that you are most interested in.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Help Pick a Design for the 2023 Wildflower Weekend T-Shirt

Photo courtesy of R. S. McCallum

In June of 2022, a KNPS member posted this image on the KNPS Facebook group page of a t-shirt she had found in a thrift store. Asking among several longtime members, it turns out that in the 1990s, and into the early 2000’s, KNPS produced t-shirts for each Wildflower Weekend. Planning has already begun for Wildflower Weekend 2023 (April 14th-16th, at Cumberland Falls State Resort Park) and we have decided to bring back this great tradition.

This is where you, KNPS members and friends, come in! We want the design to be similar to the 1991 shirt, with one (or more?) native plant species as the central element. We want to use species that would likely be flowering (or showing attractive foliage) in mid-April, in the area around Cumberland Falls. The plant that we choose should be showy and lend itself to attractive graphical representation on a t-shirt. The planning committee has come up with a list of thirteen species that meet these criteria. We now need you to pick the species that will be on the t-shirt for Wildflower Weekend 2023. Go through the slideshow of the species below and then submit your top three choices using the form at the bottom of the screen.

Save the Date! The 2023 Kentucky Botanical Symposium (virtual) – January 26, 2023

Coming Together to Discuss Current Botany Projects, Conservation, and Collaboration in Kentucky and Beyond

Missouri Ironweed (Vernonia missurica), West Kentucky WMA, McCracken Co., July 29, 2022

KNPS will be hosting our annual, virtual, Botanical Symposium on Thursday, January 26th, from 9AM-11:30PM EST. For several years, KNPS has organized a botanical symposium in the fall/winter with a goal of bringing together professionals, citizen scientists, academics, gardeners and students in order to learn about what’s going on in the world of Kentucky Botany. Everyone interested in the native plants of Kentucky is welcome to watch the Symposium and there is no charge for this event. The Symposium will be recorded and will be made available online if you are unable to attend.

We are currently working on lining up presenters and developing the topics for the Symposium. Watch The Lady Slipper for details as they become available. In the meantime, you might want to watch the presentations from the 2020 Botanical Symposium and the 2021 Botanical Symposium. If you have any questions, shoot us an email at

President’s Message – November, 2022

Jeff Nelson
KNPS President 2022-2024

Carolina spiderlily (Hymenocalis caroliniana) at Ballard WMA on 8/12/22. Photo courtesy of Pat Berla.

I hope this message finds you all well. As we move into late fall, Kentucky remains in drought conditions, with most of the state in moderate to severe drought. Down here in the Jackson Purchase we have had no significant rainfall since early July. As devastating as drought is to agriculture and gardens, the response of our native plants and plant communities to these conditions can be quite instructive. In low, moist, woodland communities, such as can be found in the Ohio River floodplains, the shady soils retained enough moisture, well into September, for most native species to continue to grow and bloom. On a visit to Ballard WMA in mid-August for example, we saw several native species in bloom, including the spectacular Carolina spiderlily (Hymenocalis caroliniana, syn. H. occcidentalis).

Continue reading President’s Message – November, 2022

KNPS Fall Meeting – Oct. 15, Blue Licks Battlefield SRP

Short’s goldenrod (Solidago shortii) – Tom Barnes

Join with other KNPS members and friends for our first, in-person fall meeting since 2019. Our 2022 Fall Meeting will be held at Blue Licks Battlefield State Resort Park on Saturday, October 15th. There will be a meeting in the morning, from 10am-noon, with interesting talks and updates from KNPS, and walks in the afternoon to look at some of the plants and plant communities that occur at the state park. The fall meeting will be held in tandem with the Short’s Goldenrod Festival being put on by the state park.

Continue reading KNPS Fall Meeting – Oct. 15, Blue Licks Battlefield SRP