2024 KNPS Fall Meeting at Bernheim Arboretum, October 19

Mark your calendars and plan to meet up with other KNPS members and friends as we head to the Bernheim Arboretum for the Society’s 2024 Fall Meeting, on Oct 19th. We will meet in the Bernheim Arboretum Visitor Center in the Sassafras Room. If you want to learn more about KNPS, meet other Kentucky native plant enthusiasts, and learn more about the native plants of Kentucky, then the KNPS Fall Meeting is for you!

We are still finalizing details of the Fall Meeting, but here is the schedule for the day (all times are Eastern Daylight Time).

  • Morning session: 10am, in the Sassafras Room in the Visitor Center at the Bernheim Arboretum 2075 Clermont Road, Clermont, KY
    • 10am – Welcome and KNPS Updates – KNPS Board
    • 10:45am – One or more talks on plants native to the area and the special plant communities they are part of.
  • 12noon – Lunch on your own. You can get lunch at Issac’s Cafe in the Visitor Center or bring your own lunch.
  • 1pm – 4:00pm – Afternoon Walks – We are still finalizing our walk schedules.

There is no fee to attend the meeting, but we are requesting that folks pre-register for the meeting using the form below.

If you have any questions, send an email to KYPlants@knps.org

Please use this form to indicate that you are currently planning to attend the Fall Meeting.

Fall Membership Meeting 2024

Please let us know what state you are from.
Please let us know what county you are from.
Please let us know how many people will be coming.
Are you a KNPS member?
All KNPS events, including the fall meeting, are open to anyone, regardless if they are a member of the Society or not.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.