2021 Fall Membership Meeting (Virtual)

October 23, 2021, 4PM to 5:30PM Eastern Time

Please join us for the 2021 KNPS Fall Meeting on October 23, from 4PM to 5:30PM EDT. We will be meeting virtually again this year on Zoom (hopefully our last virtual Fall Meeting). Our fall meetings are open to members and non-members alike. The meeting will review what the Society has done in the past year and discuss activities for the rest of 2021 and for 2022. As the meeting is on Zoom, please register by following the link at the bottom of this article. If you want to learn more about your Society the KNPS Fall Meeting is for you. If you have any questions, email us at KYPlants@knps.org.

Meeting Agenda

4:00PM to 4:25PM – Welcome and Review of 2021

  • Welcome – Tara Littlefield
  • Wildflower Week 2021 – Heidi Braunreiter
  • 2021 Field Trips – Tara Littlefield
  • The Lady Slipper – Susan Harkins
  • Student Grants – David Taylor
  • Financial Report – Steele McFadden
  • Membership Report – Jeff Nelson
  • KNPS Board Secretary – Tara Littlefield

4:25PM to 4:40PM – Botanical Symposia – Tara Littlefield

  • Review of Dec. 2020 Symposium
  • 2021 Botanical Symposium – Dec. 9, 9AM

4:40PM to 4:55PM – KNPS Activities for 2022

  • Wildflower Weekend 2022 – Heidi Braunreiter
  • Wildflower Week Botany Blitz 2022 – Heidi Braunreiter
  • Field Trips

4:55PM to 5:00PM – Short Break

5:00PM to 5:30PM – Standing Committees & Member Engagement – Jeff Nelson


As the meeting will be virtual, registration is required. Complete the registration form at this link and you will receive a link to the virtual meeting.